
The Communist LGBT Transgender Freemason Satanic Agenda Has Been Exposed!

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The Gay, Communist Radicalized, Muslim Illegitimate former President Barry Obama is Married to an LGBT Man Michelle aka: Big Mike. Obama was born in Kenya, NOT America as the Constitution requires.

michael-obama3 ”mike-obama”

Michelle Obama is really a gay, pre-op transgender man pretending
to be a woman aka: "Big Mike" Robinson.


Michelle Obama is really a gay, pre-op transgender man pretending to be a woman aka: "Big Mike" Robinson.


Michelle Obama is really a gay, pre-op transgender man pretending to be a woman aka: "Big Mike" Robinson.



"Heterosexuality, Traditional American Family Values, Freedom & Democracy are the Only Cure!"

Lia Thomas should be disqualified!

“By allowing men to compete in women’s sports, the NCAA is destroying opportunities for women,
making a mockery of its championships, and perpetuating a fraud.”

It's my opinion that the very ugly, LGBT-Q transgender man with a penis, Penn swimmer: "It" aka: Lia Thomas is a smart but mentally-ill brainwashed Communist illegally being paid money to compete as a woman by the Freemasons & the Democratic Party to help advance their gay, Communist, LGBT-Q, anti-American agenda. Obviously, "it" & all other man-trannys have an unfair strength advantage over genetically born females. Lia aka: "it" should chop it's penis off if "it"
really wants to be a female & compete against females!

It's not that difficult folks...if someone has a penis that someone is a man. If someone has a vagina & ovaries that someone is a woman. Men with penises should NOT be allowed to compete against women with vaginas. End of story. If you don't like what I have to say about LGBT-Q man-trannys, fuck you, fuck your feelings' & your gay Communist cancel culture agenda.

Communism, Socialism, Homosexuality, Lesbianism & LGBT transgenderism are all forms of mental illness.
They should be treated as a disability & not accepted as normal behavior by World
Governments, the mass media, Hollywood & society!


Britney Griner is really a mentally ill, gay, transgender man pretending
to be a woman just like Venus & Serena Williams. However, the Fascist
LGBT-Q filled C.I.A. controlled "Operation Mockingbird" mainstream
media refuses to disclose this fact for some reason. Fuck you CIA / MSM!


martina2 martina1

Martina Navratilova aka: Martin is an ugly, gay, LGBT-Q man-tranny pretending
to be a woman just like the Williams Sister/Brothers and many U.S. politicians.

The Communist LGBT C.I.A. controlled media & the International Tennis Federation refuse
to disclose this biological fact to the World which gives these ugly, strong man-trannies a huge
advantage against their natural woman competitors!

*Hey Martin Navratilova & the Williams Sister / Brothers: Vinnie & Steve; you are a piece of shit,
ugly gay man-trannies with an unfair strength advantage. All of your victories' should be nullified
& you should return all of your illegal winning's to your female competitors that you unfairly beat.


Gay, LGBT Man-Trannies!



I'm accusing the Williams Sister/Brothers of being gay, LGBT transgender men on steroids pretending to be women. Obviously the gay black muscle-bound brothers have an enormous strength advantage over the women they illegally compete against & therefore should not be playing women's tennis. The Williams Brothers have penises.

These transgender men should be playing men's tennis not women's! Serena faked her pregnancy with a pillow
& a rubber baby bought on Hey Williams Sister/Brothers, If I'm lying, then sue me for slander
& let's let a Judge decide if you are natural born women or not.

Trump, Kushner, Ivanka & Ivana are Russian assets
& under the control of the Russian KGB!

Trump is a Dual-Citizen of Russia but the media won't disclose that fact.




Jared Kushner is really an ugly Russian Cossack LGBT woman KGB spy with a man's face. The Fascist, piece of shit F.B.I., C.I.A. & Secret Service know this is true but they are under Putin's command too, so they do nothing about it.


Jared Kushner is really an ugly Russian Cossack LGBT woman KGB spy with a man's face.


Jared Kushner is really an ugly Russian Cossack LGBT woman KGB spy with a man's face.
The Fascist, piece of shit F.B.I., C.I.A. & Secret Service know this is true but they are under Putin's
command too, so they do nothing about it.

Hey Feds, "Why haven't you incompetent Fascist assholes arrested Jared yet?" What the fuck are you waiting for?
Ivana was probably killed by the Russian KGB for being a spy. Jared, Ivanka & Donald might be their next targets.
Oh well.



”ivana7” ”ivana10”

R.I.P. Ivana 7/14/2022


Ivan aka: Ivanka Trump is an LGBT transgender man with a woman's face. He is a Russian KGB spy just like his LGBT transgender father; Ivan aka: Ivana Trump was.



Susan Rice is an Ugly, Stupid, Mentally Ill, Communist LGBT, Freemason Transgender Man
Controlled by the C.I.A. & KGB. Fuck you Rice & your Communist gay, anti-gun agenda.

LGBT Transgenderism, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Communism & Socialism, are all forms of mental illness.
LGBT Transgenderism should be treated as a disability & not accepted as normal behavior by World Governments,
the mass media, Hollywood & society!




The alleged doctor, Rachel Levine is an ugly, Communist C.I.A. controlled "mentally ill" Freemason, LGBT man-tranny who
thinks that he is a woman. Communist Levine is under the control of the Chinese Government like the majority of U.S. Politicians.
Fuck you Communist Levine & all of your gay, LGBT Communist transgender Freemason butt-buddies! Communist Levine removed his
mother from an assisted living facility before mandating that sick Covid-19 patients be placed in assisted living facilities all across the
Communist State of Pennsylvania to increase the death toll numbers. He also encouraged gay orgies in warehouses while wearing face-masks.

Communism, Socialism & LGBT transgenderism are all forms of mental illness. They should be treated as a disability & not accepted as
normal behavior by World Governments, the mass media, Hollywood & society.

It's my opinion that Communist transgender Levine is mentally ill, unfit for Government service & should retire immediately before
he can cause more harm to America. America doesn't need any more Communist mentally ill LGBT C.I.A. controlled
Freemasons in Government. Fuck you Communist tranny Levine.

The Canadian Castro Justin Trudeau & The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Gestapo are a Piece of Shit Fascists!


The Communist Piece of Shit Dictator: Justin Trudeau is the Bastard Son of the
Piece of Shit Communist Dictator: Fidel Castro!

Communist Justin Trudeau was re-elected by the rigged C.I.A. / KGB owned Dominion Electronic Voting System
just like Communists Joe Biden & Kamala Harris. Canadians should rise-up & overthrow the piece of shit
Communist Justin Trudeau!


This political satire cartoon is so funny because it's true! Thank you Gary Varvel.

Yes, Hunter Biden smokes crack & is an alleged pedophile. However the Fascist, corrupt F.B.I. & C.I.A. are "illegally" suppressing this information to protect him & his father China Joe Biden.

Hey F.B.I.Nazis, why are you "illegally" hiding Hunter Biden's laptop full of child porn & Biden Family corrupt business dealing information? Why are you preventing the media from seeing its contents'?

Someone is Pretending to be Joe Biden. Who is the impostor & why is the C.I.A. LGBT-Q controlled media
hiding this fact from the public?


Someone is wearing a Joe Biden latex face-mask while being interviewed live on CNBC. Don't believe me?

Watch for yourselves at:


   Who is impersonating President Joe Biden & which Communist Country is controlling him?

#1  Who's wearing the Joe Biden latex face mask? Hunter? Pelosi? Putin? Who Knows?
#2  What happened to the "real" Joe Biden?
#3  Is the real Joe Biden dead?
#4 The Joe Biden impostor along with co-conspirators:
Pelosi, Harris, Obama, Feinstein, AOC, Bill & Hillary, Rice
et al...Communist / Democrat Traitors must be arrested
& tried for Treason!

Hey Communist, brown-eyed Joe Biden impersonator. You're Busted!


Attention Secret Service Communist Assholes: Do your fucking job & arrest the brown-eyed
Joe Biden latex mask wearing impostor / spy along with all of his Communist / Democrat


The real Joe Biden has blue eyes & facial wrinkles. The fake Joe Biden has brown eyes & a smooth latex face mask with no wrinkles. Is the real Joe Biden dead? If Joe Biden is not dead then he's probably being held hostage by his Communist controllers' & needs help. Biden's Communist handler's push a button to cut him off whenever he speaks live & goes off script. Who has the authority to him cut off? Maybe it's China, Russia, Obama, Hillary, Pelosi, Feinstein or Harris? Maybe it's all of them at the same time?

The New York Times, CNN & Fox News were officially notified about Joe Biden being an impostor wearing a latex Joe Biden face-mask. So far no action has been taken to investigate my claims'. Which means they are all complicit with the Communist C.I.A. takeover of America.




Former White House Press Secretary: Sara Sanders aka: Meatloaf is an ugly, mentally ill, Communist LGBT transgender
man pretending to be a woman like many other Fascist US Politicians.


The Communist LGBT pre-op, man-tranny: Sanders aka: Meatloaf is a stupid fucking idiot
& now he's a Governor thanks to the rigged Dominion electronic voting machines
that apparently can be programmed to elect anyone the C.I.A. / KGB chooses.




There is hope for Australia to be free again now that its ugly, Fascist piece of shit, corrupt, man-tranny Dictator /
Prime Minister has resigned in shame!

     No more lock-downs, no more mask mandates, no Nazi-like   vaccine passports & no more forced kill shots...hopefully.

Attention Aussies: Your Dictator / Health Chief: The alleged Doctor Kerry Chant is really an ugly, radicalized, mentally-ill, piece of shit, Communist, LGBT, C.I.A. / KGB controlled, Fascist, Freemason man-tranny.


The Very Ugly, Mentally-ill, LGBT Freemason C.I.A. Controlled Man-Tranny Dr. Kerry Chant.


Australia's Hitler; The Fascist, mentally-ill, LGBT transgender man, Dr. Chant wants endless lock-downs, continual forced kill shots & useless Muslim Sharia face masks forever. Fuck you man-tranny Dr. Chant & your Communist LGBT Freemason agenda!


Dr. Kerry Chant ; you are an ugly, very sick man. You are NOT a woman despite what the CIA brainwashed you to think. You need therapy to help recover from your LGBT Communist transgender mental illness, like all trannies do. Dr. Chant should wear a face mask at all times to cover his ugly, Fascist man-tranny face!


Aussie's; you must rise up, recall & or takeout Dr. Kerry Chant at all cost or Australia
will become the next Nazi Germany! It's up to you to stop the mentally-ill, Communist
man-tranny Dr. Kerry Chant from destroying Australia.

"LGBT Transgenderism, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Communism & Socialism are all Forms of Mental Illness!"


The radicalized, gay, Communist Muslim; former President Obama installed U.S. Supreme Court Justices;
Elena Kagan & Sotomayor are really very ugly, LGBT, Freemason, C.I.A. / KGB controlled, Communist
mentally-ill gay, transgender men pretending to be women, like many other politicians. There should be an
8 year term limit for Supreme Court Justices. No more life time jobs for any judge, especially Communist
mentally-ill transgender men who think they are women.


Sotomayor was born a boy but raised by his Communist parents' as a transgender girl his entire life,  
however the C.I.A. controlled LGBT filled media covers up this historical fact.


The Fascist Idiot Oregon Dictator Brown is Really an Ugly, Mentally-Ill, Communist, C.I.A. Controlled
LGBT Transgender Man Pretending to be a Woman!


The gay, Fascist, power-drunk, man-tranny Brown is a Chinese Asset & Traitor to America! LGBT man-tranny Brown is obviously mentally ill & unfit for public service. Just like every other Communist Freemason LGBT tranny in politics.

Dictator Brown should be "Baker Acted" before he can cause more harm to Oregonians & to America!

Fuck you Fascist LGBT man-tranny Brown & your Communist mask mandates' & lock-downs'! It's time to recall the Communist Satanic Freemason LGBT man-tranny Brown now along with every other Communist LGBT man-tranny Satanic Freemason politician & Communist school board member in America!



That Fascist woman from Michigan is really an ugly Communist C.I.A. controlled Freemason
LGBT transgender man pretending to be a woman.


Gretchen Whitmer is a Fascist pre-op, man-tranny who should be immediately
recalled for Treason! 



Washington State Democratic Senator Patty Murray is really a very ugly, mentally ill, Communist C.I.A. controlled Freemason LGBT transgender man "Patrick" pretending to be a woman, like many others in politics. That's why Washington State & the rest of America is so screwed up! Fuck you Communist, mentally ill Murray. All the mentally ill Communist LGBT politicians should retire before they can cause more harm to America.


The Lt. Governor of Texas; Dan Patrick is really an ugly, Communist C.I.A. controlled Freemason LGBT lesbian bull-dyke transgender woman "Danielle" pretending to be a man, like many others in politics. That's why Texas & the rest of America is so screwed up! Ms. Patrick has failed Texas miserably! To support Dictator Biden's Communist Green Deal Scam, Patrick ordered the FEDS to shut down the power grid when it was needed most. Communist Patrick must be recalled now before she can cause more damage to Texas & to America! Communist, mentally ill, transgender Freemasons are in charge of America. They must be stopped from turning America Communist, gay & gun free. The piece of shit Communist LGBT woman Lt. Governor Danielle Patrick is responsible for the false-flag alleged mass school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. She along with the Communist CIA, FBI & FEMA staged this active shooter drill in an attempt to ban all guns in America.



The Communist, C.I.A. controlled Freemason, LGBT man-tranny Durkan needs to be impeached & or recalled immediately before "he" can cause more harm to Seattle, Washington & America.


New Zealand Dictator Ardern is a Fascist, Piece of Shit, LGBT, KGB/C.I.A. Controlled Man-Tranny!



Attention New Zealanders: You Should Rise Up & Overthrow Your Dictator: Jacinda Ardern. She is really a Fascist, Sadistic, KGB Controlled,
Mentally Ill, LGBT, Gay Man-Tranny pretending to be a woman!


Your gay, man-tranny Dictator Ardern needs to be impeached arrested for being a power-drunk, Fascist Nazi!

The Fascist, piece of shit Dictator / Prime Minister of New Zealand: Jacinda Ardern aka: the Jackal is really an ugly, KGB controlled, mentally ill, Freemason LGBT transgender man pretending to be a woman. Here he is trying to look sad & concerned. Nice try asshole.


Jacinda Ardern aka: the Jackal is really an ugly, KGB controlled Freemason LGBT, mentally ill transgender man pretending to be a woman like many others in politics! Fuck you Fascist Man-Tranny Ardern & your Nazi-like Covid-19 lockdowns!

Breaking News!

The Fascist, piece of shit German Dictator: Angela Merkel is really an ugly, KGB controlled Freemason
LGBT transgender man pretending to be a woman. Just Like Ardern!



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“The Bush Connection is an amazing book. Once I started reading it I couldn't put it down..."

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“I wasn't able to sleep at all. When I finished the book all I could think about is how much the U.S. Government
is lying about WWII History....“

— William C. Avery


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I, Erik Berman aka: Erik ORION am a 56 year old successful author with five copyright protected books to my credit; The Bush Connection, The Pyramids of Oak Island, Flight 19 Sabotage, Tesla Pyramid Power Plants, Flat Earth Science. I'm also an inventor with a U.S. Patent #5,078,640 for a medical device; stuffed animal crutch pads. In 1990, I graduated from Stockton State University in Pomona, NJ with a B.A. in Marketing. I am currently working as a real estate broker in Florida.

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